- Ph.D in University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2023
- B.S. in NUIST (Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology), 2019
Work experience
2023 - 2025: Postdoc Researcher
- University of Oklahoma
- Duties included: Using CESM model and DART for atmosphere and sea ice data assimilation OSSEs
- Supervisors: Dr. Steven Cavallo
2020 - 2023: Research Assistant
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Duties included: Using adjoint sensitivity to understand atmospheric dynamicla processes
- Supervisors: Dr. Michael Morgan, Dr. Jon Martin
Fall 2020 - 2021: Teaching Assistant
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Class: AOS 310 Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Ocean
2018 - 2019: Research Assistant
- Shanghai Typhoon Institute
- Duties included: Analyzed hurricane reconnaissance dropsonde data and developed the characteristic hurricane boundary layer height with helicity to capture the turbulence behavior.
- Supervisor: Tang Jie
- Programing Skills
- Unix/Linux
- python
- Julia
- html/css
- Software Skills
- Adobe Premiere
- Languages
- Chinese (native)
- Shanghai Dialect (native)
- German
- French
- Japanese