Adjoint-Based Forecast Sensitivity to Quasigeostrophic States during the Rapid Intensification of Typhoon Surigae (2021)”


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Abstract: The interpretation of adjoint sensitivity to the potential vorticity (PV) can provide a better understanding of dynamical processes of a synoptic weather event compared to interpreting each of the individual sensitivity fields (e.g. sensitivities to winds and potential temperature). Sensitivity to quasi-geostrophic PV (QGPV) is presented using the case of the rapid intensification period of Typhoon Surigae. The configuration of the sensitivities to QG balanced winds and potential temperature, which are derived from the sensitivity to QGPV, is similar to perturbation wind and temperature fields around a PV anomaly. The sensitivity to the ageostrophic winds and unbalanced potential temperature is also presented to provide some insight into the role of imbalance plays in the development of a tropical cyclone. Sensitivity to Ertel PV and to its corresponding imbalance, following Arbogast (1998) will be developed and presented if time permits.